Friday, April 4, 2014

seven months

Oliver is seven months today. As I write, he is playing next to me. He loves the huge box of diapers. I think he likes to talk to the baby on the box. He also tries to pull himself up on it. Now he is heading for one of his favorite places in the house, the basket of shoes by the front door. Our son loves shoes. Unfortunately, he sometimes wants to chew on them, but he also just likes examining them. He is a moving boy.

It has been an eventful month with our Oliver. He really is learning and exploring now, and I love it and him.

Here are some of the delightful things about our seven month old:

~He really can move now. His scoot/army crawl has developed, and he is pretty fast. He doesn't exactly crawl, but he uses his knees more. He pushes with his feet and pulls with his arm and scoots pretty much everywhere.

~While moving about, Oliver pauses and poses for a second. He goes on his side and looks and grins at me. I like to think he's just checking in with me. "Here I am mom. Glad you're watching me. Let's share a grin." Sweetest.

~He transitions from sit to crawl position and down to belly for scooting quite well. He sits with such great posture, I've been noticing how much I slouch. I'm working on it.

~He's getting close to pulling himself up to standing. He puts his arms up on something and pulls. He's not super stable with standing all by himself yet (holding onto something).

~Oliver loves to talk. He babbles away. Dadada are his preferred sounds right now. I love his little conversations. He also squeals, kind of like a seagull. There is an occasional scream too, quite loud. I'm not such a fan of those.

~He's loving this eating thing, and will eat pretty much anything we give him. He chomps away. Although his favorite food is still mama's milk, he definitely loves food. I think he's going to be a great eater.

~He falls asleep by himself. It took a rough week or so (and some days are better than others), but he can do it now! It is a beautiful thing to just put him down for naps and bedtime. Of course, sometimes I just can't help but want to rock him to sleep. There is nothing sweeter, then him sleeping in my arms.

~Oliver loves to laugh. He is a happy boy. I'm grateful for his sweet and content little spirit.

~He is a flirt. Oliver loves to grin at everyone we meet. He enjoys seeing other kids too. He loves the attention from others, and since babies are kind of a rarity here, he gets plenty of it.

~His hair is really fuzzy and getting long. It is sometimes crazy, especially when he wakes up.

~Things he loves:
his papa, Oliver even gives him gentle kisses and it is the sweetest thing
shoes, as discussed previously
going under things, tables, chairs, etc.
bathtime! splashing
looking at himself
noise, he bangs things on the ground
books with mama. I love when he looks up at me with those chocolate eyes. I melt.
songs: I am a Child of God, Pat-a-Cake
peek-a-boo, he loves it and laughs so hard. we love to play while he's in his high chair. I hide below and pop up. it's our favorite game.
still loves my dancing and singing in the kitchen. good boy

We love our sweet seven month old boy. He's hilarious and happy and just the best.

the pose
he was having a hard time sitting still, go figure. 

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